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Average Rating: 4.9

Total Reviews: 155


Friend A. was a great booster. Hard carried and gives feedback on where to improve play.

xMage, Client


Thank you LED. So friendly and very fast completion time :)

Joshc85, Client


Played with Friend A on NA. We played in high plat / low diamond elo and we had a 90% winrate. Friend A's playstyle is to dominate the map with invades and objective control. He tracks the enemy jungler very well and always blows up the enemy squishies in teamfights. Friend A also calls you out on your mistakes and helps you learn a lot. Was tons of fun and learned a lot!

orochi, Client


Played with Friend A. for placements. Great booster, very professional, always carried.

Egypt, Client


Light fast order solo queue

LED, Client


Light did a great job! Duo q p4

Glitzyn, Client


Friend A is the best you guys!! Finished my order in no time, had a 100% win rate, and got MVP on almost all those matches. 100% recommended!

Ori, Client


Played with Bladrr. Chill guy. Knows how to play. Teamplayer. Initially had some issues with my order and finding a booster, but was resolved nicely. Baby was very helpful throughout the process.

AppIe, Client


I played with Friend A. in a duo boost. He was jungle every game. He always did the highest damage. He made really great calls. He helped the team with where to place wards, how to rotate, who to target, etc. Another thing was he is a dragon slayer! We got drags ever single time. He's quick with objectives and fun to play with. Thanks for the help and advice!

zeph, Client
