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Average Rating: 4.9

Total Reviews: 155


Played 9 duo games for unranked placements, went 7-2. So decent winrate and we got the games done quickly which was good, but I felt like the experience was not what I expected. I didn't really feel super hard carried and some of the games were sort of close. I guess we were in smurf queue so that might have made it more difficult though. I really had to pull my weight.

Mafu, Client


Seoul did really well both games. Carried even through a 4v5 where our ADC ragequit.

Gamerdad, Client


Seoulreborn was excellent! Hard carried and really great attitude. Won our 4v5 ^_^

Apolloman, Client


Played 3 games with Seoul who easily carried plat games even with me playing like shit. Was super clean mechanics and game knowledge would highly recommend.

woot, Client


100% winrate playing with Seoul, definitely a beautiful giga chad beast.

Toxic, Client


Yo, Yanlord type sexy i'm ngl. Funny as hell too

tisk, Client


I have used this service many times and got mixed results. First two orders went splendid with great boosters, then the next two boosters were kinda shaky and took over two weeks to complete. I will not say any names. Recently, ordered a duo queue boost and we only won 2/5 games...I recommend this service A LOT but it really comes down to the booster playing.

Mercurial, Client


Played with LED in high gold. Amazing jungler and carried a game with a questionable mid laner. Great prices and I will look to BabyBoosts and LED if I'm interested in getting some help!

lightzsword, Client


Played with Friend A in low plat. Despite me being a mediocre gold player, he was able to not only carry but play in a way that ensures his team wouldn't have chances to screw up by telling us what to do. His tips on what I should improve on really helped me, and after some games with those tips, I'm adjusting to my new elo as well. Would definitely recommend coach/duoing!

Zephyrirl, Client
